1. Creston West – Includes all residents who access their properties from Hwy 229 between Hwy 41 and Rocky Canyon Road except for those residents inside the Creston (Creston Reserve Line) VRL. Includes all residents of Eagle’s Nest. Includes all residents who access their properties along Hwy 41 between Hwy 229 and the westerly boundary of CAB (east of the Kingsbury grade) who vote in a Creston precinct. Includes all residents who live on Cripple Creek Rd between Hwy. 41 and Creston Rd. Includes all residents who access their properties on roads east along Cripple Creek Rd. Excludes all Feenstra Rd residents west of Cripple Creek Rd. Includes all residents who access their property from Creston Rd between Cripple Creek and Hwy 41 and who have odd numbered addresses.
2. Creston - Includes all residents inside the VRL (Village Reserve Line).
3. Rocky Canyon and Hwy. 229 - Includes all residents who access their properties from Rocky Canyon Road or from Hwy. 229 between Rocky Canyon Road and Hwy. 58.
4. Huer Huero - Includes all residents who access their properties from Huer Huero Road.
5.Hwy. 58 East - Includes all residents who live on the Northern side of Hwy. 58 between Hwy. 229 and Goldie Lane and access their property from Hwy. 58. Includes all residents who access their property from Hwy. 58, on both the Northern and Southern sides, East of Goldie Lane to the point at which La Panza Road intersects Hwy. 58.
6.O'Donovan - Includes all residents who access their properties from both sides of O'Donovan Road, between the Creston VRL and Hwy. 58.
7.La Panza - Includes all residents who access their properties from La Panza Road, on both sides, from Hwy. 41 to Hwy. 58.
8.Creston East - Includes all residents who access their properties on the South side of Hwy. 41 between Little Farm Road and the Eastern District 5 boundary. Includes all residents of the Eddy Ranch Tract.
9.Camp 8 and Creston Valley Road - This includes all residents inside the triangle formed by Camp 8 Road, Creston Road, and Hwy. 41. It also includes all residents who access their property from Camp 8 Road and who vote in a Creston precinct. This excludes any properties along Camp 8 that lie on the Northern side and vote in the Geneseo precinct. Includes all residents who access their properties from the North side of Hwy. 41 between La Panza and the Eastern boundary of District 5 and all residents on Creston Valley Road who vote in a Creston precinct.
10.Geneseo/Windfall – From Creston Rd and Camp 8 intersection proceed west towards Paso Robles and stop at Summer Ranch Road which is to the right.Go north on Summer Ranch Rd encircling all roads whose properties are accessed from Geneseo up to the Arizona crossing of the Huer Huero Creek (before you get to Eagle Oak Ranch Way), then across to meet up with the western most edge of Geneseo Precinct 504.01, follow that precinct’s boundary north and then east joining up with the District #5 boundary that runs to the north of the backside of Windfall Farms Ranch and back to the boundary of CAB Area #9.